05/06/09 New stuff here now!

May 6, 2009

New stuff in 2 categories:  Sacred Art and Family Constellations.

1.  Sacred Art:

I’ve been working on reorganizing and updating these pages, adding lots of new images, and organizing them thematically with links to large-size single images.   Under “Tapestries” you’ll now find

The Four Evangelists

Old Testament Images

Hildegard von Bingen Inspired images


and you’ll soon find added to these:  The Madonna; Russian images; The Magdelene; Christ images; The Holy Family; Moslem/Hindu images; The Cosmos;  Artist’s Collection/Sold

2.  Family Constellations

There are a good half-dozen pages describing the Family Constellation process.   I will be announcing a Workshop this summer, so read up, and if you’d be interested in attending a workshop, please let me know at anne@stariel.com

When I get the art pages done, I’ll get a Sacred-Threads newsletter out to let you know more!